在动态的视频流世界里, media organizations are constantly seeking efficient and cost-effective solutions to manage their large-scale implementations. 彻底改变这个行业的解决方案是 紫溪软件定义视频平台(SDVP®) 由紫溪协议和 子溪禅师控制平面. The cost effectiveness comes from a wide variety of optimizations and total cost of ownership (TCO) benefits that 紫溪 已经开发了.
子溪分级流- tco;
不幸的是,许多媒体公司的思维都是颠倒的. 他们从获取成本入手,从不全面考虑全局. 您将在下面看到, 利用开源协议的解决方案被认为是最具成本效益的, 但是当完全分析时,是非常昂贵和低效的. 真北是指如果没有QoS和QoE,就不可能实现或达到最佳的盈利. Without fully analyzing the full stack of costs and monetization upside down thinking can occur and benefits are not realized or less than optimal.
无与伦比的计算效率: 紫溪’s SDVP with the 紫溪 Protocol is 14 times more compute efficient than alternative solutions employing inefficient protocols like open-source offerings. This increased efficiency plays a pivotal role in reducing the complexity and cost associated with managing the large-scale implementations of the modern broadcaster. This compute efficiency offers more sustainable workflows with significant cost savings by requiring just 7% of the compute requirement as compared other industry options. 紫溪的SDVP现在也运行在ARM处理器上, 包括AWS引力子2/3, 比英特尔多节省50%的成本和能源.
减少基础设施需求: SDVP优越的效率消除了对过多虚拟机的需求, 从而节省大量成本. 通过需要更少的虚拟机来处理相同的工作负载, 组织可以显著降低运营成本, 包括计算, 工程, 操作和能耗.
带宽优化: 的SDVP, 由紫溪协议驱动, offers bandwidth efficiency through two crucial mechanisms: null packet compression and video awareness. These capabilities help media organizations reduce their bandwidth consumption and transport stream egress costs on average by 50% while maintaining video quality and producing the pre-encode bitrate post-decode.
- 空包压缩: 通过压缩空报文, 紫溪最小化了通过网络传输的数据量, 从而显著节省带宽. 这种压缩技术减少了不必要的开销, 在不影响视频流质量的情况下优化带宽利用率.
- 视频有效载荷感知: SDVP是视频感知的, allowing it to detect the content payload of the video and detect and compress unnecessary packets in scenes like snow storms or dark nights. 比特率要求的降低转化为更低的带宽使用和, 因此, 降低与网络基础设施和数据传输相关的成本.
- 运输流出口成本降低: 《百家乐软件》, 结合紫溪的SDVP, 平均减少50%的运输流出口成本. This advantage stems from the protocol’s ability to optimize video transport while ensuring reliable delivery and error correction.
- 解码重建: 由于压缩, 没有消除, 为了效率而发生, 有效载荷在解码时与编码前完全相同.
通过将运输流出口成本降低一半, 紫溪可以让广播公司更有效地分配百家乐软件, 将预算拨款转用于其他关键领域. 这种成本的降低会对视频流实现的TCO产生深远的影响.
媒体处理: 紫溪的实时转码功能可以在媒体供应链的任何地方使用, 处理和规范供消费的内容.
这样可以优化比特率, as high bit rate production signals are reduced when the stream meets a business partner or is prepared for audience consumption. 在现场活动中, linear workflows can leverage low bit rate slates to minimize egress costs in between higher bit rate programming events. 紫溪’s SDVP allows for media processing where it can have the most cost effectiveness on transport and egress costs, 同时仍然提供广播质量的流.
随着媒体机构转向基于IP和云的工作流程, 很明显,建筑设计推动了项目的经济性. 点对点计算与工作流规模无关.
- 单个点对点和虚拟机(VM)与子溪广播集群.
- 按规模管理的每个流和处理服务的单位成本.
- 将本地部署、直接网络连接和云结合在一起的混合基础设施.
- 管理冗余的价值. 第1层内容与第3层内容的对比,以及分配给程序SLA的商业价值.
紫溪’s SDVP allows for optimal leverage of all available IP infrastructures to minimize compute and egress costs while providing the base for growth at scale with fractional incremental investment. 支持多云部署, 允许跨供应商优化出口速率,同时为冗余提供网络多样性.
当传统节目频道转换为IP流时,它们会成倍增长. 更多的接受者产生更多的收入, but management of existing resources across a variety of technical skills sets requires a force multiplier. 软件定义的SaaS解决方案为有限的百家乐软件提供了超大规模的能力.
以最近宣布的FOX和紫溪联盟计划为例. 像FOX这样的实现从几百个分支机构/频道开始, 但是一旦你把初级和次级摄入加起来, intra-cloud, streams for eyes on glass monitoring and then egress of primary and secondary streams to the ultimate number of takers it becomes 3,000 +流. 没有SDVP和禅师,这是无法管理的.
时间就是金钱。 技术部署可以多快推出? 它在变更过程中的敏捷程度如何? 第一阶段扩展到第二阶段有多容易? 如何在整个媒体企业中构建一个面向未来的模块化技术平台?
系统互操作性: 现代工作流和技术工作流利用了跨媒体供应链的许多供应商. Established interoperability minimizes deployment risk and ensures reduction of traditional project timelines.
紫溪的ZEN Master Control平面允许以小时为单位的快速部署,而不是以周为单位. 它提供对设备的集成和控制访问, systems and services across disparate environments that enable testing to move to deployment with all stakeholders and vendors able to work from a single source of truth. And the 400+ technology partners of the 紫溪 Enabled Network provide the ultimate in best of breed options for any set of use cases.
一旦项目展开,操作阶段就变得至关重要. 已经创建了多少个新任务? 操作和技术百家乐软件如何单独地和在团队之间编排工作流?
监控方面: The traditional approach of “eyes on glass” that would cover 10-12 channels per operator becomes untenable as 100s of channels and 1000s of streams are delivered. 由遥测技术驱动的基于异常的警报是新的常态, 只有当出现问题时,系统警报才会发出行动呼吁.
事件和根本原因分析(RCA): 知道问题的存在之后,自然就会知道问题在哪里以及如何解决问题. 这导致了一个巨大的, multidisciplinary set of teams that need a common view and tool set that confirms and rectifies the issue while providing all the relevant telemetry and logs to verify the analysis. 紫溪’s Intelligent Data Platform (IDP) along with ZEN Master uses multi-object correlation analysis (MOCA) to find correlations and automatically generates an editable drill down RCA that provides all the relevant telemetry, graphs and logs for rapid resolution without the need to go on a multidisciplinary and multi-vendor treasure hunt.
一个给定节目频道的RCA的行业平均水平是每年50万美元. The ability to reduce the raw time and resource exposure in RCA and allow system scale with current resources means that focus can remain on content creation and audience engagement rather than staffing.
工程主题专家(SME)在广播视频, 网络, 安全性和云计算本质上是稀缺和昂贵的. This means that it is more important than ever to inform and mobilize those resources across a range of disciplines. 详细的遥测, logs and reports allow SMEs to interact efficiently with inter and intra-company teams without prejudice, using a single source of truth and resolve an issue while implementing safeguards to prevent future reoccurrence.
通过实时视频迁移到IP和云是一项新的专业工程技能. 从生产到销售,任何给定工作流程所需的专业知识都是不同的. Having a unified software defined platform allows highly efficient synchronization of 工程 disciplines in real time that has faster times to resolution while allowing teams to cover the scale of operation on a global basis. 流式工作流程部署在分部, 区域和全球层面,需要不同的技术百家乐软件来设计, 实施和调试流推出,并准备操作移交. 子溪使用脚本的能力, api和多供应商集成使得这个过程非常敏捷和快速, 同时最有效地利用工程百家乐软件.
迁移到IP和云需要一个, 统一的软件定义平台,跨越了从传统部署到现代部署的转换, 先进的基于IP的工作流程,提供更高质量的内容, 快速频道和增强的观众体验.
的SDVP with the 紫溪 Protocol offers an impressive array of benefits that directly contribute to cost effectiveness and TCO optimization for organizations managing large-scale video streaming implementations. 以其无与伦比的效率, 减少基础设施需求, 带宽优化和传输流出口成本降低, 紫溪助力媒体公司实现百家乐软件最大化, 最大限度地减少费用,可靠地提供高质量的视频内容. 利用紫溪的尖端技术, organizations can embrace a future where cost-effectiveness and operational excellence go hand in hand, 为增长开辟新的可能性, 创新和增强的实时视频流体验.