How important is it for streaming users and viewers to be able to customize, 个性化, 并管理他们使用流媒体应用程序的体验? And what are product designers doing to facilitate those types of experiences? YouTube电视台的埃丝特·安报道, Crunchyroll的Tom Hurlbutt, and Magellan TV's James Lauzun offer their takes in this clip from 流媒体连接2024.
How Premium Sports Streaming Licensing Will Shake Out in 2024 and Beyond
As the prices paid for top-tier sports streaming rights continue to reach astronomical levels, and the potential disruption created by the blockbuster ESPN/Fox/Warner Bros. joint venture (popularly termed "Spulu") teased in February, what sports licensing will look like as 2024 rolls on and who will be able to afford it is anybody's guess. 在美国,情况会有所不同吗.S. 和欧洲? And as costs are passed on to users, why wouldn't sports fans just stick with cable? Find out what top analysts like ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗报道, 我是保罗·埃里克森, Dataxis的Ophelie Boucaud说, 以及TVREV的艾伦·沃尔克, 在这段来自2024年流媒体连接的视频中说道.
How to Design Streaming Apps and UX Strategically in 2024
What does it take to be a streaming app designer and director of product in 2024? 根据YouTube电视台的埃斯特·安的说法, Crunchyroll的Tom Hurlbutt, 以及菲罗的布兰登·雅普, embracing the evolution of that role means rolling with ongoing changes in the device ecosystem, 查看器行为和设备首选项, 以及电视观看体验的现代化, as they discuss in this clip from 流媒体连接2024.
How to Solve Interactive Streaming’s Latency Challenges
What are the biggest challenges to delivering successful large-scale interactive live streams, 特别是实现所需的低延迟, 以及适用的技术解决方案? 纳米宇宙公司首席执行官奥利弗·莱茨说, 帮助我流媒体的蒂姆·西格林, 和Motoworlds的Darcy Lorincz确定了现实世界的交互式流媒体问题,以及如何解决这些问题,并在这段来自流媒体连接2024的视频中提供从传统流媒体到虚拟世界的高质量用户体验.
How Netflix, Meta, and United Cloud Choose New Codecs and Why
对于像Netflix和Meta这样拥有大量内容库的公司来说,迁移到新的编解码器充满了挑战和复杂性, 或者像联合云这样的实时线性提供商. 是什么驱动了编解码器的更改决策,以及哪些考虑和权衡使这些决策相对于遗留用户和更多的决策变得复杂? Netflix的安德烈·诺金说, Meta的Hassene Tmar, 曼联云的博班·卡萨洛维奇, and 帮助我流媒体的蒂姆·西格林 discuss these issues and more in this clip from 流媒体 Connect.
Are Super Bundles the Future of Subscription-Based Streaming?
Churn is an unavoidable fact of life for streaming services, 在试图让SVOD盈利的过程中,很多战略思考都集中在如何将其影响降到最低, 无论是通过提供更多的内容, 整合广告层, 或者进入各种捆绑场景. 那么2024年哪些是可行的,哪些是无效的? 五领M & eshap的埃文·夏皮罗报道, 我是保罗·埃里克森, Dataxis的Ophelie Boucaud说, TVREV的艾伦·沃尔克报道, 和Hub的Jon giegengack在这段来自2024年流媒体连接的视频中讨论了当前防止流失的策略.
同步和. Latency - Which Matters 更多的 in Enterprise and Sports Streaming?
克里斯·帕卡德, LinkedIn全球现场运营主管, discusses the role of interactivity in enterprise streaming, what the essential elements are of a successful user experience, and striking a realistic balance between ultra-low latency and synchronization, 在与纳米宇宙的奥利弗·利茨和流媒体连接2024的帮助我流的蒂姆·西格林的讨论中.
Netflix, Disney, and the State of Paid Subscription Sharing
2023年底,奈飞公布了令人瞠目结舌的利润,这是该公司广泛宣传的打击订阅共享的举措,而此后,共享者将不得不支付额外费用, 业内人士担心,其他付费流媒体订阅服务很快就会效仿,限制与用户共享订阅服务的普遍做法. In this candid debate from February's 流媒体连接2024, TVREV的艾伦·沃尔克报道, ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗报道, Hub Entertainment 研究的Jon Giegengack讨论了谁在打击以及他们实施了多少新限制, and what if any benefit smaller-market services are likely to gain from following Netflix's lead.
Google TV Senior Director of Engineering Shobana Radhakrishnan discusses ongoing shifts in M&E content consumption like the growth of CTV and streaming relative to traditional linear broadcast, the continued fragmentation of the streaming content market, 以及向更多基于广告的货币化模式的转变将如何影响2024-26年的整体收入情况.
How WebRTC Impacts Stream Resiliency for Contribution and Distribution
为大规模的低延迟流制定策略,选择WebRTC或其他协议意味着要兼顾多个优先级,并在贡献端和分发端评估流的弹性. 杜比.io's Ryan Jespersen and AWS's Evan Statton make the case for WebRTC in this clip from 流媒体 Connect.
How FAST Strategy Is Changing as the Ecosystem Matures
随着我们顺利进入FAST 2时代.0, will the strategies that brought FAST success in its early days still pay off and ensure continued growth? 现在是FAST先锋们重新创新的时候了吗? YouTube黄金时段频道的成功能给FAST品牌带来什么经验呢, 少了狂野西部式的FAST生态系统? 来自Tastemade的Evan Bregman, ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗报道, Gusto TV的克里斯·奈特报道, and TMB的卡梅伦·萨莱斯报道 discuss in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.
The CTV viewing experience continues to evolve as new UX developments arise. 仍然, many experts and users agree that the experience is essentially broken, with too much choice and too little personalization as users' #1 complaint, 离它该去的地方还远着呢. 谷歌电视高级工程总监Shobana Radhakrishnan在她的流媒体连接主题演讲中表示, the critical challenge is understanding what viewers want and letting that drive other decisions.
How to Monitor Cloud-Based Low-Latency Streams at Scale
What is the essential monitoring checklist for maintaining efficiency, 弹性, and performance for large-scale low-latency streaming using cloud-based workflows? 杜比.io产品战略总监和2G数字后优化的Allan McLennan在这段来自流媒体连接的视频中讨论了有效的直播监控策略的关键组件和工具.
How Streaming Channels Can Attract Programmatic Advertisers
With 55-60% of advertising dollars flowing to Amazon, Meta, 和谷歌, 流媒体服务需要有战略眼光,在如何区分自己的产品时要深思熟虑,不仅要针对观众,还要针对支持他们的品牌. 在这段来自流媒体连接的剪辑中, ESHAP的Evan Shapiro和Atmosphere TV的Lana LoRusso讨论了在广告收入竞争中保持市场领先地位的挑战,以及Atmosphere TV定位其声音可选的基于场地的平台以吸引广告代理商的创造性方式.
How OTT and CTV Platforms Monetize First-Party Data
零方和第一方数据是否正在成为欧洲和美国OTT平台和CTV领域的新收入来源.S., 当涉及到以货币化为目的收集数据时——尤其是可寻址电视——我们在消费者隐私方面的界限在哪里? ESHAP的Evan Shapiro和Dataxis TNT市场分析师Ophelie Boucaud在流媒体连接的这段视频中讨论.
How DAZN and TAG Approach Failover, Sync, and Stream Resiliency
对于高风险的, 大规模流, redundancy is critical for ensuring smooth and reliable delivery. 这意味着要仔细监控, 良好的决策, 无缝网络切换——也被称为无故障切换——确保数据流精确同步,这样终端用户就看不到交换机. 这段视频来自流媒体连接2023, DAZN的鲍勃·汉内特报道, TAG视频系统公司的Michael Demb说, 和CDN联盟主席Mark de Jong讨论确保流弹性的挑战和维护它的策略.
从FAST的早期开始, 敏捷性和战略创新是初创公司和小众内容公司的标志,是FAST世界成功的关键. As the Independent Streaming Alliance (ISA) emerges to heighten the advocacy of niche FAST providers, ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗报道, TMB的卡梅伦·萨莱斯报道, Gusto TV的克里斯·奈特在《百家乐软件》的这段视频中讨论了FAST市场是如何开始的,以及围绕灵活的初创企业是如何成熟的.
CTV oem厂商如何影响快速成功
70 percent of FAST channel viewing happens on connected TVs, 一旦观众插上三星和LG的CTV,大量的FAST频道就会悄悄进入他们的客厅,这是可以想象到的最容易获得和最容易追踪的FAST观看体验, as they require no additional app installations to gain front-and-center visibility. How critical is the preeminence of specific CTV OEM brands in the success of FAST channels? TVREV的Alan Wolk和Chris Pfaff Tech Media的Chris Pfaff在这段来自流媒体连接2023的视频中讨论了FAST和CTV生态系统的市场动态.
快速市场的现状:欧洲vs .美国. US
众所周知,美国的FAST市场比欧洲和世界其他地区成熟得早. 但随着欧洲市场的增长, is it evolving along the same lines as the US market, and are there lessons in where the US market stumbled that inform FAST strategy in Europe? 流媒体通讯作者马里昂·兰切特和ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗在流媒体连接2023年的这段视频中讨论了欧洲FAST生态系统的状况.
Is Producing Original Content Table Stakes for FAST Brands?
In the absence of subscription revenue that underwrites SVOD services, what's the ideal balance of original and licensed programming for FAST brands, and how does it differ for smaller and larger providers? ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗报道, 来自TasteMade的Evan Bregman, 和心灵鸡汤的菲利普·圭尔顿剖析了快速货币化的复杂性——特别是对于小众服装——在这段来自流媒体连接2023的剪辑中.